Please sign the protest by leaving your name in the comment box at the bottom of this statement!
We, the undersigned, are appalled at the unlawful sentencing of Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil by military court in Cairo last night!
Maikel Nabil and his lawyers were told yesterday at court session that the trial was adjourned to Tuesday, April 12.
After Maikel was taken away and the lawyers had left the courtroom the military court sentenced Maikel Nabil in absentia to three years imprisonment and he was taken away immediately to the Tora prison where he now is held!
His lawyers only learned of this sentencing this morning!
Such an act of treachery in a court room is unparalleled. That a sentence is spoken without the presence of the accused or his lawyers is "unheard of in Egypt", as his lawyers confirm. It is also a violation of all rules of conduct in ordinary judiciary proceedings and violates human rights of the accused in the worst form. It is unbelievable that this is taking place in the post-Mubarak era after the peaceful revolution in Egypt fought for transparency, democracy and human rights!
Maikel Nabil has been sentenced for nothing else but for writing a critical post on his blog about atrocities that happened when military police arrested, detained, tortured and even sexually abused detainees in the last two months after taking over power. All these accusations have been verified by international rights groups and have been published in numerous newspapers around the world.
To sentence a blogger to three years imprisonment for reporting nothing else but what the world already knows is a gross violation of the right of freedom of speech that is guaranteed in the Interim Constitutional Declaration of Egypt. The army - that now throws Maikel Nabil in prison for three years - has issued this Declaration only 10 days ago and already the military court violates it by prohibiting freedom of speech!
We call upon the Egyptian Cabinet Council and Prime Minister Sharaf as well as the Supreme Council of Armed Forces under General Tantawi to immediately lift this unlawful sentence and set Maikel Nabil free!
Maikel Nabil has committed no crime. He only made use of the guaranteed right of freedom of speech that we support as a fundamental right of all Egyptians no matter whether we share his views or not. Freedom of speech allows for opposing opinions and views and this must be respected by all in Egypt including the army and military courts!
The way the military court yesterday sentenced Maikel Nabil behind his back and the back of his lawyers is illegal and sends a damaging signal out to the world that Egypt's military is not adhering to judiciary standards and human rights and is violating the Interim Constitutional Declaration of Egypt!
Lift the sentence against Maikel Nabil!
Set blogger Maikel Nabil free!(The updated numbers of signatures to this protest will be submitted constantly to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces and the Prime Minister of Egypt – until the sentence against Maikel Nabil is lifted!)
If you want more information on Maikel Nabil's case with the military please check other posts already published on this blog with links to media and statements from human rights organizations.
Should you encounter any problems in signing please choose Anonymous from the profile menue and just add your name in the comment box.
احتجاجا على الحكم الجائر و الغير قانوني على المدون المصري مايكل نبيل!
نعرب نحن الموقعين أدناه عن بالغ ارتياعنا من الحكم الجائر الصادر من المحكمة العسكرية بالقاهرة على المدون مايكل نبيل مساء الأمس!
و قد صدر الحكم غيابيا على مايكل بعد اصطحابه خارج المحكمة و خروج المحامين منها حيث حكمت المحكمة العسكرية على مايكل نبيل غيابيا بثلاث سنوات سجن و تم اصطحابه فورا إلى سجن طره حيث يقبع الآن قيد الاحتجاز.
لم يعرف محاموه بهذا الحكم سوى هذا الصباح!
و الجدير بالذكر انه لا توجد سابقة لمثل هذه الخيانة في حرم المحاكم ، حيث جرى النطق بالحكم في غياب المتهم و محاموه مما "يعد حدثا غير مسبوق في مصر" ؛حسب ما ذكر المحامون. و يعد ذلك أيضا انتهاكا لكل القواعد المهنية المتبعة في الإجراءات القضائية المعتادة و انتهاكا فاضحا في أسوأ أشكاله لحقوق الإنسان الخاصة بالمتهم . و من غير المعقول و لا يصدق ان يتم ذلك في حقبة ما بعد مبارك و في عقب الثورة السلمية التي جرت في مصر و كان هدفها الأسمى هو تحقيق الشفافية و الديمقراطية و حقوق الإنسان!
تم الحكم على مايكل نبيل للاشئ سوى كتابة بوست أو رسالة شائكة في مدونته حول الفظائع التي حدثت أثناء قيام الشرطة العسكرية باحتجاز و اعتقال و تعذيب المعتقلين و حتى التعدي جنسيا عليهم في الشهرين الأخيرين بعد انتقال السلطة.
تم تأكيد كافة تلك الاتهامات عن طريق المجموعات الحقوقية الدولية و تم نشرها في العديد من الجرائد حول العالم.
ان الحكم على مدون بثلاث سنوات لكتابته حقائق يعرفها العالم بأسره بالفعل هو انتهاك و تعد سافر على حق حرية التعبير المكفول وفقا للإعلان الدستوري المصري المؤقت. و قد اصدر الجيش – الذي ألقى بنبيل في السجن لمدة ثلاث سنوات – هذا الإعلان منذ مالا يزيد عن عشرة أيام و ها هي المحكمة العسكرية ألان تتعدى على الإعلان المذكور بمنعها حرية التعبير!
إننا ندعو مجلس الوزراء المصري و رئيس الوزراء عصام شرف و كذلك المجلس الاعلي للقوات المسلحة بقيادة المشير طنطاوي بالرفع الفوري لهذا الحكم الجائر و إطلاق سراح مايكل نبيل على الفور!
لم يرتكب مايكل نبيل اي جرم. و لم يعد ان استخدم حقه المكفول في حرية التعبير التي ندعمها كحق لكل المصريين بغض النظر عن اشتراكنا معه في آراءه من عدمه. تسمح حرية التعبير بالآراء ووجهات النظر المختلفة و المتعارضة و يجب على كل من في مصر احترام ذلك بما فيهم الجيش و المحاكم العسكرية!
ان الطريقة التي حكمت بها المحكمة العسكرية على مايكل نبيل من خلف ظهره و ظهر محاموه غير شرعية و ترسل بإشارات سلبية للعالم بأسره حول عدم التزام الجيش المصري بالمعايير القانونية و حقوق الإنسان و تنتهك الإعلان الدستوري المصري المؤقت!
ارفعوا الحكم الصادر ضد مايكل نبيل!
أطلقوا سراح المدون مايكل نبيل!
( سوف يتم رفع الأعداد المحدثة للتوقيعات بشكل مستمر إلى المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة و رئيس وزراء مصر حتى يتم رفع الحكم الصادر بحق مايكل نبيل )
في حالة رغبتك في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول قضية مايكل نبيل مع الجيش برجاء الاطلاع على الرسائل أو البوستات الاخري المنشورة بالفعل حول هذه المدونة مع الروابط الواردة لوسائل الإعلام و البيانات الصادرة من منظمات حقوق الإنسا
Jonathan Moremi
ReplyDeleteGisa Bührer-Lucke
ReplyDeleteJens M. Lucke, Germany
ReplyDeletelucy lee anderson, australia
ReplyDeleteIan @incommonworld
ReplyDeleteYasmin Elbaradie
ReplyDeleteAalam Wassef
ReplyDeleteNevine Barsoum Chiari
ReplyDeleteGeneva, Switzerland
John Bergquist, USA
ReplyDeleteAhmad Ismail
ReplyDeleteAmira Mikhail
ReplyDeleteZiad Tareq
ReplyDeleteOmar El Kayal
ReplyDeleteGehad Hussein
ReplyDeleteTomas Rawlings
ReplyDeleteBristol, UK
Is he in good condition/alive... might explain strange/unusual army tactics...
ReplyDeleteA government that doesn't allow free press with criticism is an authortarian one, not a democracy. If run by Military officers it is a JUNTA.
ReplyDeleteFree blogger Maikel Nabil
ReplyDeleteLeila ABOU Ragab
ReplyDeleteGeorge Wahid
ReplyDeleteCairo, Egypt
I don't think signatures are going to be enough.
Vivien Le, USA
ReplyDeleteI'm Totally Support this statement, Free Maikel Nabil
ReplyDeleteFree Maikel Nabil
ReplyDeleteJason Torrence
ReplyDeleteSlough, UK
Niklas Smith, Sweden
ReplyDeleteI agree Peter Norton
ReplyDeleteAiden Henry
ReplyDeleteEdinburgh, Scotland
ReplyDeleteFreee Maikel Nabil
Sandra Yacoub
Mona El Sabbahy, Egypt
ReplyDeleteI totally support this statement, Free Maikel Nabil
ReplyDeleteسواء اتفقنا او اختلفنا مع مايكل وارائه فأنى ضد محاكمته من الاساس
ReplyDeleteBerlin, Germany
ReplyDeleteJoanna Mikhail
ReplyDeleteMariam DiPasquale, USA
ReplyDeleteBassim Lazem, Egypt
ReplyDeleteSo many martyrs lives gone, for what? To continue to promote political oppression. I think not! FREE NABIL!
ReplyDeleteChristopher Hoare, a reader from Alberta Canada, joins this protest against the unlawful detention of Maikel Nabil.
ReplyDeleteKyle Short United States of America
ReplyDeleteDemocracy Review: We ask the Egyptian Court and Military Court to Free Maikel Nabil Now.
ReplyDeleteRead Maikel Nabil's Letter from Jail <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank></A>
Free blogger Maikel Nabil!!
ReplyDeleteFatiha Bazzah
Joining the protest.
ReplyDeleteMartin Lürßen, Hamburg, Germany
Pierre Stas, Ciney, Belgique
ReplyDeleteFree blogger Maikel Nabil
ReplyDeleteJoining the protest
ReplyDeleteLy Wang , Paris , France
Democracy Review: We ask the Egyptian Court and Military Court to Free Maikel Nabil Now.
ReplyDeleteRead Maikel Nabil's Letter from Jail .. Thanks so much
Reporting in, Adrien D., France.
ReplyDeleteYacoub Yassin, Egypt.
ReplyDeleteEric Dequeker, france
ReplyDeleteI give my support.
ReplyDeleteMirette Bakir
Cairo - Egypt
Maja Dutrieux, Germany
ReplyDeleteI give my support too!
Ahmed Karmel, Egypt
ReplyDeleteنجاح ثورة الشباب في مصر يبدأ بحماية التضحيات التي قدمها الشعب المصري و يتطلب ذلك الكشف عن اية انتهاكات او تجاوزات يقوم بها اي طرف او جهة سواء اكانت حكومية أم اهلية ضد ايا من المتظاهرين او المعتصمين او المدافعين عنهم من إعلاميين و مدونيين
ReplyDeleteو بالاساس أن ما قام به المدون مايكل نبيل ليس الا دفاعا عن حق الشعب المصري و ثورته
Emmanuel NOIROT france
ReplyDeleteJe m'associe à cette demande
Brian Holden, South Africa
ReplyDeleteYviette Crandon, Birmingham
ReplyDeleteManuel Banson
Carole Hunt, England
ReplyDeletePierre Mansour, France
ReplyDeleteRalf Brack, Germany
ReplyDeleteNathalie Heyder, Auckland
ReplyDeleteJonny Blake
Set Maikel Nabil free! This is outrageous!
ReplyDeleteMarie Hassel, Switzerland
Free Maikel Nabil!
ReplyDeleteTom Silvest, Germany
Manar Ammar, journalist
ReplyDeleteCairo, Egypt
Pls free Maikel Nabil !
ReplyDeleteI can't find any petition to sign but I join the cause by this comment. Freedom of expression is a right.
ReplyDeletePhil Ducourneau
Free Maikel Nabil and establish the democracy and justice in Egypt !
ReplyDeleteMichel COLLET
Lucy Kippin
ReplyDeleteThe Netherlands
Will the Egyptian authorities ever learn...
ReplyDeleteI add my signature to this petition because the conviction is illegal and unconstitutional, because military trial of civilians and conviction without being able to represent your case are counter to democracy, because the army/SCAF does holds power as a result of the protests in favour of democracy which lead to Mubarak's removal and so the army/SCAF must act within this remit, to secure democracy and human rights, or it acts outside of the scope of the authority it was granted by the people, and finally because it shames in Egypt in the view of the world.
ReplyDeleteI support
ReplyDeleteMona zeineldin
My name is Liz Ver Kamp and I'm signing this petition to free Maikel Nabil because Egypt needs to provide all its citizens with the full range of equal, civil and human rights, lift the emergency law and allow for free and fair elections and an independent judiciary in order to ensure effective, efficient, accountable, secular representative government that also protects the rights of minorities. All Egyptian political detainees should be released immediately and all convictions obtained against political disidents should be thrown out of court and the wrongfully imprisoned freed. There is no other way forward without absolute hypocrisy ensuing. Wake up Tantawi!
ReplyDeleteI add my signature because I stand for truth.No govenment has the right to surpress freedom of speech.Nobody can,under natural justice be sentenced without being present to defend themselves,or have legal representation.This is a disgrace!
ReplyDeleteNathalie Atalla
ReplyDeleteI support and sign every word of this statement! Maikel Nabil has the human right to freedom of expression and free decision. This must be tolerated! Set Maikel Nabil free!
ReplyDeletePIT BECKER aka @paintmyblues
Catherine Greystone, GB
ReplyDeleteTimothy McBiber, Scotland
ReplyDeleteFreedom and justice for Maikel Nabil
Marie-Claude San Juan, Paris, France
ReplyDeleteEgypt not safe for bloggers; not safe for tourists. Boycott Egypt.
ReplyDeletestephen sarbiewski, USA
Ahmed Elsherbiny, Egypt
ReplyDeleteagainst crushing of freedom and crimes against humanity by the Egyptian army against egyptian civilians
ReplyDeleteHaseena M
ReplyDeleteBasma Aal
ReplyDeleteOmima Elaraby
ReplyDeleteRelease Maikel Nabil. SCAF: The whole world is watching
ReplyDeleteGerd Hahnenkamp, Düsseldorf, Germany
ReplyDeleteYes - release him!
Eberhard Seidel
ReplyDeleteHeidelberg, Germany
Please set Maikel Nabil free. It cannot be allowed to be a crime to write a blog!
ReplyDeleteSteven A. Littleton, Chicago
ReplyDeleteWe have seen in South Africa what oppression means. Freedom of speech is the most important thing for a democratic society. The Egyptian army must accept other opinions, even if they don't like it. Set Maikel Nabil free now. You are damaging the image of the country all over the world! And we know what that means, believe me. It is not right to oppress people's opinions! If you want the world to believe you that you want to make a better Egypt then you must release him. Or no one can trust you!
ReplyDeleteGene Hillard, Vancouver
ReplyDeleteHe has my full support!
ReplyDeleteMarianne Hillard, GB
Tarek Al-Deen, Egypt
ReplyDeleteJoan Ross, Ohio
ReplyDeleteKimberley Bergman, Stellenbosch, South Africa
ReplyDeleteSusan Melchers, Switzerland
ReplyDeleteJean-Pierre Marioux, Geneve
ReplyDeleteLiberté pour Maikel Nabil!
Anne-Kathrin Muller, Dubai
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why we finance the army that does that with our taxpayers money? We don't stand for violating freedom of speech! Either Maikel Nabil is set free or the US should stop any payment to the military of Egypt. And no tourism unless this is corrected.
ReplyDeleteI agree. No financing of jailing of bloggers! Let's hope the State Dept. not only says it is concerned but also does something about this.
ReplyDeleteFree Maikel Nabil!
ReplyDeleteCarole Owk
It is a shame that he is in jail!! Release him now!!
ReplyDeleteMarianne Fulter, US
ReplyDeleteNadine Brooks, London
ReplyDeleteJake Breetzke, US
ReplyDeletePatty Hines, US
ReplyDeleteAhmed Hameed, Egypt
ReplyDeleteShams Al-Deen
ReplyDeleteانا مارك اخو مايكل نبيل
ReplyDeleteالجيش لما نزلت البلد قال ان الداخلية دى كانوا حرامية وان هو هيظبت البلد وقال هينشر الديموقراطية فى البلد بس اظاهر هى دى الديموقراطية بتاعت الجيش ان كل واحد يقول راية يتحكم علية ب 3 سنين سجن بمجرد راية لو هى دى الديموقراطية فى نظر الجيش فشكرااا احنا مش عوزين ديموقراطية بتعتة احنا عوزين رئيس جمهورية مدنى
وبعدين لو مايكل قال راى غلط مفروض الجيش يرد علية براى الصح لكن ميحكمش علية وبعدين ازاى هو الجهة الى فى المشكلة مع مايكل وهى الجهة الى بتحكم مفروض يبقى فى جهة ثالتة تحكم بين مايكل والجيش فى مقالة لذلك
ونطالب بالغاء المحكمة العسكرية للمدنيين
وفى الاخر انا بحمل المجلس العسكرى عن اى ضرب او تعذيب يحدث لمايكل من قبل الداخلية فى السجن مش معنى انة فى سجن مدنى يبقى المجلس مش مسئولة عن الى هيحصلوا
ونتمنى ان يتم الافراج فى اقرب وقت
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAhmad sharaf
Mark Gamal
ReplyDeleteEgypt, Cairo
الحرية لمايكل نبيل
ReplyDeleteسواء اتفقنا او اختلفنا مع أرائه
Sara Mouhamed
ReplyDeleteEgypt, Cairo
انا طبعا ضد محاكمة مايكل لان مايكل مدنى وبيتحاكم محاكمة عسكرية الجيش هو الحكم والخصم فيها وكان الاولى من الجيش انوا يحقق فى الانتهاكات اللى جمعها مايكل فى المقال بدل من محاكمتة
ReplyDeleteوبطالب بسرعة الافراج عنه
Kefaya Punk
ReplyDeleterelease Maikel Nabil now!!!! freedom of speach worldwide!!!
ReplyDeleteSusi Thompson, Albuquerque
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bergmann, UK
ReplyDeleteThorsten Schlier
ReplyDeleteDüsseldorf, Germany
Chris Douglas, USA
ReplyDeleteJanine Laurent, France
ReplyDeleteClaudette Morel, Nice
ReplyDeleteBjörn Heiken
ReplyDeleteRyan O'Connor, UK
ReplyDeleteIf freedom of speech is guaranteed in Egypt, why is Maikel Nabil in prison??? He only blogged!!
ReplyDeleteNo blogger should be in jail! Set him free!
Mark Langham
Mareike Sloothaak
ReplyDeleteKurt Rentzow, FRG
ReplyDeleteAmr Essam, Egypt
ReplyDeleteMohamed Bakier, Egypt
ReplyDeleteDiane Hoadly, Manchester, UK
ReplyDeletePauline Baxton, Sydney
ReplyDeleteGraham Ward
ReplyDeleteأطلقوا سراح المدون مايكل نبيل!
ReplyDeleteSheila Bigs
ReplyDeleteTarek Zaher
ReplyDeleteJean-Claude Fournier, France
ReplyDeleteHeather Manning
ReplyDeleteMarion Phillips, GB
ReplyDeleteRami Saleh, Egypt
ReplyDeleteYvonne Bonnett
ReplyDeletePaul Davis
ReplyDeleteWaleed Issam, Egypt
ReplyDeleteBernie Vickery, Bruxelles
ReplyDeleteAnne Baird
ReplyDeleteI strongly protest this jailing! Set Maikel Nabil free or else this whole revolution doesn't make sense! Why is freedom not precious?
ReplyDeleteRobyn Dean, Scotland
Heba Sayeed
ReplyDeleteAhmed El-Fathy, Egypt
ReplyDeleteSue Gross, Texas, US
ReplyDeleteGrant Lopez, Brasil
ReplyDeleteI support the freedom for bloggers! Please reverse the verdict and set him free!
ReplyDeleteGillie Higgins, NY
Mahmood Taha, Egypt
ReplyDeleteThomas Bautzen, Hamburg
ReplyDeletePat Eckersley, L.A.
ReplyDeleteRichard Sheppard, GB
ReplyDeleteKatherine Jones
ReplyDeleteFran Coldner, Washington D.C.
ReplyDeleteMichael Daniels, SF, USA
ReplyDeleteBettina Braatsch
ReplyDeleteDiana Davies, Kentucky
ReplyDeleteHussein Yehia, Egypt
ReplyDeleteJune Tutton, GB
ReplyDeleteBrad Shaw, GB
ReplyDeleteAli Ahmed Hamid, Egypt
ReplyDeleteAdrian Wootton,GB
ReplyDeleteAhmed Awadalla
ReplyDeleteCairo, Egypt
Michelle Wenderlich
ReplyDeleteI just signed the petition "Call for an immediate Release of Egyptian Blogger Maikel Nabil" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach as many signatures as possible and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
The Arab Chronicle
Rebekka Steg, Denmark
ReplyDeleteJohn Kjellberg, Sweden